sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

Imprima seus circuitos em casa!!

First inkjet-printed graphene computer circuit is transparent, flexible

You can add another crazy characteristic to graphene’s ever-expanding list of “wonder material” properties: It can now be used to create flexible, transparent thin-film transistors… using an inkjet printer.

The discovery comes from researchers at the University of Cambridge, UK, who were trying to ameliorate the lackluster performance of existing inkjet-printed electronics. As we covered last month, it’s possible to print standard CMOS transistors using different ferroelectric polymer inks, but the resultant circuit is so slow that it can’t actually function as a computer. If graphene could replace or augment the interconnects or transistors, these circuits would be a lot faster - and that’s what these Cambridge engineers have done.

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Agradeço ao Gabrel Graça pela dica!!

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